History of North Road Racing Pigeon Society
The original North Road club began in the 1920's and
folded in the early 1950's. Ken Moore was at that time a junior and is the only
remaining original member of the club.
Around 1961 Ken Moore and Grant Lunggren and others who are no
longer with us once again formed and began to rebuild the North Road club. At
that time the club was based in New Westminster and the birds were shipped by
rail and released at various stops along the route. Most guys shipped about 10
birds up to 300 miles at .10 cents per bird so a night at the club would cost a
member about $3.00, $1.00 to ship the birds, $1.00 to pool and $1.00 for beer
which was .10 cents a glass at the time.
" The Good Old Days! "
In about 1969-1970 the club moved to Grant and Darlene Lunggren's
property in Langley. A clubhouse was built on the property to house the
approximate 70 members flying at that time. Often up to 60 clocks (manuel or
capsule) were set per week.
In 1989 another move was made to find the club a permanent home. A campaign
got under way led by Chris Peeman to raise funds through shares sold in order to
raise enough funds to obtain a property that would be owned by the club. Through
individuals over $42,000.00 was raised and the property was secured. When we
took possession of the property both the mobile and the grounds and out building
were in a terrible state of neglect but with lots of enthusiasm and hard work
huge improvements were made.
Through the years the look and state of the property has greatly changed. The
rental mobile was totally redone, fences were put up, the concrete floor in the
cluclubhouse was poured, batvhrooms and kitchen were added, covered area for the
truck and trailer, a derby loft was added to provide not only a great get
together for out of town and local flyers but an essential money maker to boost
the club's finances.
Although we don't have a huge membership of the 70's as is the case of most
clubs we have been lucky in the last few years to welcome new members offering
them a great facility that not many clubs are fortunate to enjoy.
The club has operated for many years with ups and downs and there
have been many changes through the years, we've lost many great flyers as well
as good friends and year by year gaining new people to continue on the sport. So
we guess the club is continuing to do what it was originally formed to do and
that is to enjoy the sport, continue to challenge the birds on what can be an
extremly difficult course and most of all "Fly Pigeons"